W.B. Young Building-College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

Dean's Advisory Board

The CAHNR’s Dean’s Advisory Board offers expert advice and counsel to the Dean on promoting the college’s achievements, fundraising, and strengthening relationships with alumni. Board members come from across the state and from a wide range of occupations and professional and personal backgrounds. Board members' diverse expertise and experience ensure that we hear many points of view as we continue to improve our ability to meet the needs of Connecticut residents, businesses, and communities.

Current Members

David Christensen, BUS ‘74
CT Groundskeepers Association
Kira Dineen CAHNR '17
DNA Today, Genetic Counselor
Erica Fearn, CAHNR ‘86
Auerfarm, 4-H Partner
Liz Glynn, CANHR ’08 ‘11
In-Vivo Scientist at Boehringer Ingelhiem
Peter Gorman*, CLAS ‘96
CT Golf Course Superintendents
Jason Hoagland, CAHNR ’01 BUS ‘08
Farm Credit East
Bryan Hurlburt, BUS ‘02
Commissioner, DoAG
Terry Jones
CT Fruit Producers
Robert LaFrance
Connecticut Audubon
Paul Larson, CAHNR '83
Connecticut Farm Bureau
Tom Morgart
Dustyn Nelson, CAHNR ‘14
CT Nursery and Landscape Association
Roland Perreault, DPT CAHNR ’82 ‘89
David Peterson
Council Agricultural Research Extension Teaching (CARET)
Mike Reilly, DVM
CT Equine
Jennifer Riggs, BUS ’95 
Extension Partners
Jim Smith
CT Farm Bureau Dairy Committee
Lech Szkudlarek, DVM
Jeremy Whipple
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
Jason White, PhD
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Kevin Woolam, RHSA ’75 CAHNR ‘79
CT/NE Sheepbreeders Assoc
*Chair of Dean’s Advisory Board