Vision Statement for a Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, and Just College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
Spring 2024 Workshops & Follow-Up Revisions, Compiled and Edited by the DEIJ Committee

The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR) is committed to the transformative work of creating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just (DEIJ) College. As the oldest College of Connecticut’s public land-grant institution, we recognize that we benefit from Indigenous dispossession. And as an institution of higher education, we recognize that education systems often mirror, embed, and reinforce social and environmental inequalities. To address these intersecting challenges, we envision a CAHNR that serves as a catalyst for transforming the systems that shape the landscapes of injustice today. This work must extend beyond our existing commitments to providing equal access and opportunity in education and employment. It is the responsibility of all members of the CAHNR community, not just those who serve on the DEIJ Strategic Vision Committee or administration.
To enable these transformations, we commit to the following DEIJ principles for further planning and action.
We commit to fostering a diverse CAHNR. A College that respects and celebrates the diversity of life experiences, world views, cultures, values, and specializations of our students, staff, faculty, alumni, volunteers, administrators, and the communities we serve, and creates a culture where every person and interaction matters.
To respect diversity, we commit to creating an inclusive CAHNR. A genuinely inclusive environment embodies cultural humility and is one where everyone feels that they belong, are valued, and inspired to achieve their full potential.
Meaningful inclusion requires a commitment to equity in CAHNR. Equity requires allocating resources where they are needed most, including addressing disparities in access, power, and potential for harm.
Achieving real equity requires CAHNR to commit to justice. Justice requires recognizing the potential harm of policies, barriers, and actions, repairing those harms, and transforming the systems and individuals that have perpetuated harm.
With these principles, we commit to addressing DEIJ in our research, teaching, extension, and service as a continuous and evolving process of reflective learning, goal setting, and implementing actions through CAHNR’s strategic vision and plan. We also commit to accountability with regular reporting of successes and challenges.
This vision statement serves as a living document and is part of our ongoing effort to work toward a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just College.