David Dickson
Director, Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR)
Co-Director, NEMO Program
Extension Educator
Dave Dickson is an Extension Educator, the Director of the UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR), and the Co-Director of the CT NEMO program. CLEAR seeks to provide communities with tools, research, and support to make land use decisions that balance natural resource protection with community growth. This support focuses on these programmatic areas: water, climate resiliency, land use planning, mapping, sustainable food, and STEM education. As the Co-Director of the NEMO program at CLEAR, he works primary on municipal stormwater management issues, but also provides outreach and training focused on mobile mapping technologies as a member of CLEAR’s Geospatial Training Program and instructor in the Natural Resources Conservation Academy. He is the co-creator of the Rain Garden smartphone app and National LID Atlas. When pressed, or convenient, he will admit to being a lawyer by training, although not by practice or inclination.
Dave has both a J.D. and a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Colorado, where he served as a notes and comments editor of the Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. Dave is also a UCONN alum, with a BA in Anthropology and Political Science. His pre-CAHNR professional experience includes: coordinating environmental policy and education projects for the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP), representing municipalities before Congress and federal agencies, serving as a liaison between the University of Colorado and both the state legislature and Congress and coordinating an international project that sought to uncover unethical marketing practices in developing countries.

david.dickson@uconn.edu | |
Phone | 860-345-4511 |
Link | https://clear.uconn.edu/ |