Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Center

The UConn Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Center serves golf course, athletic field, and landscape turfgrass professionals throughout New England.
Turfgrass disease epidemics have the potential to severely impact widespread turf areas, compromising the functional utility of the area. Proper identification of biotic or abiotic causes of turf decline is essential to implementing effective control and remediation strategies.
Our service provides rapid diagnosis (≤ 24 hours of receiving samples) in a written report including color photos and recommendations. 89% of patrons report that recommendations are “Extremely Effective” or “Very Effective” in helping affected turfgrasses recover.
“The Pathology program took the guess work out of my management strategies. It allowed me to properly address the problem and offered me cultural (non chemical) solutions. ”
Hour diagnosis time
Cost to submit a sample
Golf course acreage supported