aerial view of campus through morning fog

Faculty & Staff Monthly Newsletter

August 5, 2024

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Dean, Indrajeet Chaubey

Dear Colleagues,

I'm not sure where the summer has gone, but in a few short weeks we'll welcome back our undergraduate and graduate students to kick off the 2024-2025 academic school year. It's exciting to think of all the "firsts" our students will have when they come back to Storrs, Waterbury, or Hartford. Behind all the illuminating classes and unique learning experiences our students will enjoy are the countless hours  of preparation, planning, and organizing that faculty and staff undertake. Your efforts are the "secret ingredient" to providing our students with specialized training to prepare them for fulfilling future careers and the curiosity to remain lifelong learners after their UConn days come to an end.

As always, thanks for all you do.


Indrajeet Chaubey
Dean and Director

Have an idea for the newsletter? We are grateful for the creativity and diverse opinions of our College community.

Contact for consideration

Featured Story of the Month

dolphin jumping out of water
Sustainable Agriculture & Enhancing Health

Patented Probiotic Spray Method Improves Hatchability, Health of Chicks

Developed by Mary Anne Amalaradjou in Animal Science, this method improves chick health for broiler production without relying on antibiotics, a positive step for human and animal health

Read the Full Article

CAHNR Impacts 2023

Cover of CAHNR Impacts magazine

CAHNR makes an impact each and every year. Now we have a new annual magazine to highlight some of the phenomenal work being done within our College's research enterprise, academic programs, and Extension activities.

Take a peek at CAHNR Impacts 2023.

Welcome to New Colleagues

Haley Fabrycki, Allied Health Sciences, Administrative Program Support 1

Angela LaRue, Allied Health Sciences, Instructor in Residence

Robin Sharkis, Allied Health Sciences, Administrative Program Support 1

Thomas Sterling, Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Assistant Professor in Residence

Unearthing CAHNR History

poultry plaque recently dug up
kids showing off poultry plaque

The Jones Building is the current home of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and CAHNR Communications, but did you know the building was originally dedicated to poultry science? Here's a fun mystery solved by UConn Facilities Manager, Nate Bedard '06, and his family:

"We first came across the plaque in mid April when I had taken my kids to the Dairy Bar to get some ice cream. Carol (10) and Nathan Jr. (6) were walking down the hill from the parking lot where the plaque is now.  At that time, the only part of the plaque that was visible was a small portion of the bottom right corner. As we came down the hill, I heard my kids shout out to me: “Dad look at this, what is this?” The grass being completely  overgrown, it was hard to tell how big it was or what it could be. I told the kids that it was either an electrical duct bank cover or something that should not be overgrown. Eagar to get some ice cream, I told the kids I would take a closer look at it when I was at work with my Friend Wes (Wes Ayers who manages the landscape and utilities group at Facilities). The next week at work, Wes and I took a field trip over to see if we could figure out what it was. While we were peeling away the overgrown grass and digging out the plaque, Sharon Aborn from the Department of Animal Science happened to be walking by and asked us what we were doing. The three of us eventually uncovered the entire plaque. It was a bit of a mystery trying to figure out what the word on the plaque was, reading it backwards and running into a U that looked like a V. Once we determined what it was, the discussion turned to why it would be over on this side of campus since the poultry facilities were on the other side of campus. At this point, I called my dad Robert Bedard (76) who is a UConn poultry science grad from the class of 1972. While on the phone with my dad, I asked him where he took his poultry classes when he was a student. He said he could not remember the name of the building but it was on the road by Hicks arena and right behind where the Dairy Bar is now. I believe it is the Jones building. He said that there used to be a processing facility in the back of the building."

Thanks to the Bedard Family for bringing this piece of CAHNR history back to life!

Strategic Vision Implementation Update

The Strategic Vision Implementation Committees (SVICs) are working on many plans for the fall semester. We will have several exciting updates to share as the semester commences. For now, visit the SVIC site for more information about the groups' progress and to join an SVIC.

Save the Date

August 23, 2024: Faculty PTR materials due to Department
September 13, 2024: CAHNR Networking Ice Cream Toppings Event (Open to Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students)
November 16, 2024: Scholars Celebration Brunch
November 18, 2024: Fall Extension All-Hands Meeting
December 16, 2024: CAHNR Faculty and Staff Meeting

Update from the Business Office

What do you call a fake noodle? An Im-Pasta

There's more fun in this month's edition of the CAHNR Business Office newsletter. Each month, the team in CAHNR’s Business Office will update the CAHNR community on deadlines, policies, procedures, staffing changes, and all kinds of other useful information. Visit the CAHNR Business Office site for more.


NRCA Drone Day

NRCA Drone Day
NRCA Drone Day
NRCA Drone Day
NRCA Drone Day

Turfgrass Field Day

Turfgrass Field Day
Turfgrass Field Day
Turfgrass Field Day
Turfgrass Field Day