Extension 2023 Highlights
Answers You Can Trust.
UConn Extension programs provide life transformative experiences to diverse groups of individuals, families, communities, and businesses in each of the 169 municipalities across the state. We are part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System that connects the public with the research and resources of land-grant universities. At UConn, our Extension network is comprised of faculty and staff in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.
Indrajeet Chaubey, Dean and Director
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
At the University of Connecticut, we are proud to be among the nation’s 100-plus land-grant colleges and universities. In addition to the cutting-edge research conducted by our faculty and the transformative education provided to our students, this designation means we have another pivotal mission – extension engagement. Through UConn Extension’s open and inclusive programs, Connecticut residents of all ages from all communities benefit from the state’s flagship university. From rural farms to urban centers, UConn Extension delivers learning opportunities that address public needs, transfer knowledge, and improve lives.
No matter which of Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities you call home, UConn Extension educators and volunteers will be there to provide invaluable educational opportunities, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to evolving alongside the people and communities we serve.
Amy Harder, Associate Dean for Extension
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
UConn Extension is everywhere: in libraries, public gardens, farms, schools, greenhouses, community centers, and nine Extension Centers located throughout the state. It’s never hard to connect with your local UConn Extension professionals. We help Connecticut’s communities improve their health and wellness, natural resource conservation, affordable and safe food systems, agricultural sustainability, recovery from natural disasters, and positive youth development. Our commitment is to engage every day with you in the places you live, work, and play. In this issue of Highlights, we share some of the ways we have been hard at work over the past year doing our part to make Connecticut better. We extend our gratitude to so many of you who support us as volunteers, as advocates, and as donors. Together, we anticipate another year of continued success.
UConn 4-H
Exploring Agricultural Biotech Careers
UConn Master Gardeners
Cultivating Education and Food Security
Production Agriculture
Supporting Connecticut Agriculture and Farmers
Extension Around the State
Supporting Our Infrastructure
UConn Extension provides answers you can trust.
Imagine four different situations occurring on the same day. A community organization needs help empowering parents with leadership and personal development skills. An agricultural producer is facing extreme weather events and needs help minimizing crop loss. A municipality has competing land use demands and must make planning decisions. A group of youth are interested in robotics and need a supportive environment and mentor to develop their skills.
UConn Extension is developing tailored strategies with the impacted groups in each situation. We provide answers you can trust.
The Cooperative Extension System is a nationwide network, established in 1914, that provides non-credit learning to the public. Extension is part of the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources at UConn and shares scientific knowledge and information, working with audiences to address their needs and concerns.
UConn Extension positively impacts all 169 municipalities in Connecticut, with programs and services in each. Our network of professionals is further expanded by volunteers, partner organizations, and donors who support Extension’s programs.
Your support helps us leverage federal and state funding to serve more residents, advance programs into new communities, and help participants achieve better outcomes. We appreciate all our present and past donors who help make Extension successful.
All donations to our new fund, Reaching Communities with UConn Extension, directly increase our capacity to deliver high-quality programs. The additional financial support helps Extension professionals focus on teaching and implementing their programs.
Support Extension’s statewide communities with programs related to health and wellness, agriculture, horticulture, natural resources, and positive youth development.
Thank you very much... thought the seminar was VERY helpful and answered several questions I had pertaining to site walk visits.
Land Use Academy program participant

Using all I’ve learned ... helps me to be healthier and it’s a great contribution to my everyday lifestyle ....
EFNEP participant
I really enjoyed the hands-on diagnosis session. Seeing the same disease on different species is so helpful.
Participant in a Greenhouse Integrated Pest Management workshop
This partnership provides the support our agency needs to move in the direction of adequate planning and management of public recreational access balanced with natural resource protection.
Kimberly Bradley (CT Trails and Greenways Coordinator) referring to the partnership between UConn Extension, CLEAR, and CT DEEP Trails and Greenways Program.