Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management
Farmers are under increasing pressure to protect the environment. Recent research has shown that soils can become saturated with phosphorus (P). When this happens P becomes soluble and can move with rain runoff into streams. Phosphorus concentrations in streams at the parts per billion levels have been shown to increase algae blooms and eutrophication of surface water. Excessive nitrogen applications have also been leading to high nitrates in water sources.
There are solutions to these runoff problems. Extension on-farm workshops demonstrate best management practices to divert clean water and to prevent soil erosion using vegetative cover. The Adapt-N computer program enables more accurate topdressing of nitrogen on field corn. Soil testing at the UConn lab reduces excess fertilizing of field crops. To improve water quality of Connecticut’s waters, livestock producers are encouraged to limit nutrient application by soil testing; divert clean water away from manure wastes; and maintain vegetation on fields to prevent erosion and waste runoff. If farms cannot manage their farms without polluting the environment they will be forced out of business, and Connecticut consumers will pay more for food to be imported from out of state.
Contact Us
(860) 626-6240
Litchfield County Extension Center
843 University Drive Torrington, CT 06790
CAFO Information Meeting - April 27, 2023
Presentation Slides
The following are the slide presentations from the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) Meeting hosted by UConn Extension on April 27, 2023 with information for dairy and livestock farmers in Connecticut.
Water Quality Regulations & CAFO - Richard Meinert