
Faculty & Staff Monthly Newsletter

July 1, 2024

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Dean, Indrajeet Chaubey

Dear Colleagues,

It's been a hot few weeks. With temperatures in the 90s and humidity that makes even the easiest activity feel strenuous, I found myself reflecting on how CAHNR helps so many communities "beat the heat." For instance, CAHNR's Korey Stringer Institute (KSI) works with stakeholders around the country to improve the safety and performance of individuals working in extreme conditions, from athletes to laborers and warfighters. Breno Fragomeni from the Department of Animal Science is conducting cutting-edge research to identify the best genetics for cows to handle heat stress to ensure healthy animals and robust milk production in the face of our changing climate. And of course the work of many of our SVICs helps our students and communities develop skills and plans to adapt to a changing climate. In moments like these, it's exciting to see our work in action and the immediate impact it can have on our world.

As always, thanks for all you do.


Indrajeet Chaubey
Dean and Director

Have an idea for the newsletter? We are grateful for the creativity and diverse opinions of our College community.

Contact cahnrdean@uconn.edu for consideration

Featured Story of the Month

dolphin jumping out of water
Enhancing Health

New Model Identifies Shortcut for Understanding Dolphin Health

After decades of research, a group of scientists including PVS professor and director of CT Sea Grant, Sylvain DeGuise, has found a new way to use blood samples to evaluate the health of an entire dolphin population

Read the Full Article

CAHNR Impacts 2023

Cover of CAHNR Impacts magazine

CAHNR makes an impact each and every year. Now we have a new annual magazine to highlight some of the phenomenal work being done within our College's research enterprise, academic programs, and Extension activities.

Take a peek at CAHNR Impacts 2023.

Welcome to New Colleagues

Diana Dorfer, Department of Extension, Educational Program Assistant 2
Chelsea Erem, Department of Extension, Educational Program Assistant 2
Dianna Hyland, Department of Kinesiology, Educational Program Coordinator
Anna-Michelle McSorley, Department of Allied Health Sciences, Assistant Professor




What is UConn Extension?

What is UConn Extension?

UConn Extension is the part of the University of Connecticut that carries out a federally legislated mission to connect local individuals, families, and communities with research they can use to create positive outcomes for their lives. All land-grant universities like UConn have what’s known as a tri-partite mission – teaching, research, and Extension.

How does UConn Extension connect with communities?

UConn Extension professionals are located at centers throughout the state, which makes them accessible to residents who come to offices to get information, attend educational activities, and enjoy social interaction. On-campus and off-campus Extension professionals offer a wide variety of in-person and online programs aligned with CAHNR’s strategic vision, including building strong food systems, promoting health and wellness, creating climate resilient communities, and building sustainable landscapes. Examples of UConn Extension programs include UConn 4-H, UConn Master Gardeners, Solid Ground, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and the Land Use Commissioner training. Residents can also interact with UConn Extension through our many social media accounts to get timely information about events, issues, and hot topics in Connecticut, such as the popular YouTube series by CT Sea Grant/Department of Extension faculty focused on our state’s aquaculture industry.

Is the Department of Extension the same thing as UConn Extension?

The Department of Extension is the home unit for faculty and staff at our off-campus locations and is led by Bonnie Burr (Department Head and Assistant Director). It is an important component of UConn Extension due to its emphasis on building community relationships. However, we have faculty and staff with Extension appointments in every CAHNR department, not just the Department of Extension. All CAHNR units contribute to the Extension mission; this collective effort is what makes up the UConn Extension system, which is led by Amy Harder (Associate Dean and Associate Director).

How many people does UConn Extension reach each year?

Through its programs, UConn Extension served nearly 300,000 educational contacts in 2023, including almost 2,000 online course and certificate participants. Another ~250,000 visitors engaged in more than 673,000 events on UConn Extension’s news site and viewers of Extension’s YouTube channel spent over 5,000 hours watching content.

Strategic Vision Implementation Update

Summer is in full swing, and this means that SVIC activities are quieter. We will have a few updates to share over the summer, that will augment our work when everyone returns for the fall semester. These include:

  • The Diversity SVIC worked on developing a mission statement and will be sharing more information.
  • We’ll provide updates on other SVIC funded projects and spotlight some of their work.
  • We’ll discuss the 2025-2030 strategic vision update during the fall semester.

Visit the SVIC site for more information or to join an SVIC.


Save the Date

August 23, 2024: Faculty PTR materials due to Department
November 16, 2024: Scholars Celebration Brunch
December 16, 2024: CAHNR Faculty and Staff Meeting

Update from the Business Office

Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.

There's more fun in this month's edition of the CAHNR Business Office newsletter. Each month, the team in CAHNR’s Business Office will update the CAHNR community on deadlines, policies, procedures, staffing changes, and all kinds of other useful information. Visit the CAHNR Business Office site for more.


Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awards

Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awards
Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awards
Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awards
Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Awards