Students conducting a chemistry experiment


The UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources is committed to basic and applied research that addresses issues related to agriculture, environmental and economic sustainability, natural resources management, human and animal health, nutrition, food, and healthy and resilient communities. The Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station (SAES) administers CAHNR research programs, funding for which is provided by a wide range of federal, private, and nonprofit organizations. Increasingly, CAHNR research is conducted in multidisciplinary teams that include faculty from CAHNR, other UConn schools and Colleges, and institutions from across the United States and the world. 

Field work in a forest

Research Priorities

  • Ensuring a vibrant and sustainable agricultural industry and food supply

  • Enhancing health and well-being locally, nationally and globally

  • Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Through Anti-Racist Approaches

  • Fostering sustainable landscapes across the urban-rural interfaces

  • Advancing adaptation and resilience in a changing climate


$40 million

Extramural grants for research, extension, and teaching


high impact publications


patents awarded

Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station

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CAHNR Impacts Magazine

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Graduate Student Research Forum

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CAHNR Research in the News