Extension 2024 Highlights

Answers You Can Trust.

UConn Extension programs provide life transformative experiences to diverse groups of individuals, families, communities, and businesses in each of the 169 municipalities across the state. We are part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System that connects the public with the research and resources of land-grant universities. At UConn, our Extension network is comprised of faculty and staff in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.

Extension Highlights Archives

Indrajeet Chaubey, Dean and Director

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

At the University of Connecticut, we are proud to be among the nation’s 100-plus land-grant colleges and universities. In addition to the cutting-edge research conducted by our faculty and the transformative education provided to our students, this designation means we have another pivotal mission – extension engagement. Through UConn Extension’s open and inclusive programs, Connecticut residents of all ages from all communities benefit from the state’s flagship university. From rural farms to urban centers, UConn Extension delivers learning opportunities that address public needs, transfer knowledge, and improve lives.

No matter which of Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities you call home, UConn Extension educators and volunteers will be there to provide invaluable educational opportunities, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to evolving alongside the people and communities we serve.

Amy Harder, Associate Dean for Extension

College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

UConn, as a public land-grant university, was founded with a tri-partite mission to teach students, conduct research, and provide access to information and education to residents across our state through UConn Extension and our network of local Extension centers. Though our programs are diverse and serve many interests, they share a common goal to make Connecticut a better place to live and thrive. In this issue, you’ll learn about efforts to improve community nutrition, protect soil health, increase resilience to climate change, build positive futures for youth, and address growing concerns about mental health and wellness. We’re committed to reaching communities to meet people where they are and to working together to find solutions for what they need. It’s our privilege to carry out this mission; thank you for your continued trust and support.



Sustainable Landscapes
Creating Climate Solutions


Sustainable Agriculture
Improving Soil Health


Advancing Resilience
Mental Health First Aid


UConn Extension provides answers you can trust.

At UConn Extension, we pride ourselves on empowering Connecticut communities with science-based education and innovative programs that improve lives. From urban centers to rural landscapes, we serve all 169 towns in our state, building partnerships that make a difference. Our work is grounded in addressing the evolving needs of individuals, families, communities, and businesses. Yet, our ability to innovate and expand our reach depends on supporters like you.

The Reaching All Communities with UConn Extension fund helps us meet emerging needs and enhance our programs’ impact. This versatile account enables us to extend resources to underserved local communities, pilot new initiatives, and respond to urgent challenges across the state. One such initiative is our collaboration with the Connecticut Institute of Water Resources (CT IWR), based at UConn, to promote well water safety and testing.

Connecticut is home to approximately 322,000 private wells, supplying water to nearly one-third of its residents. Yet, many well owners are unaware of the risks posed by contaminants. With support from the Reaching All Communities fund, UConn Extension partnered with CT IWR to offer education, testing resources, and technical assistance. This initiative is empowering residents to safeguard their water sources and protect their families.

Your contributions to the Reaching All Communities fund allow us to address critical needs. Whether helping farmers adopt resilient practices, helping youth build skills for life, or providing food safety and nutrition education, this fund ensures our programs remain accessible and impactful. Together, we can bridge gaps, solve problems, and inspire innovation for a brighter future.

"I’ve learned about the opportunities I have and what I can do in the future. We spoke to UConn professors and met students. The connections the club has to the different workforce areas are my favorite part. The presentations from professionals showed how many options there are."

4-H participant Zuzanna poses for a photo

Zuzanna Rogowski, UConn 4-H member

I consider the UConn Home and Garden Education Center one of the very best things about living in Connecticut! I have asked for help, advice, and information many times over the years and have always been more than happy with the speed and friendly expertise I have received. Thanks for all you do!”

"You connected so well with all parents. They had fun learning, preparing [food] and eating. It was great to have the educational series in Spanish. They learned culturally relevant recipes and enjoyed new foods. Overall, it was a great program. Thank you so much for your help, making it a super experience for the parents."

EFNEP partner organization (Public School Administrator for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers)

“I just wanted to thank you for offering this program. My sons and I had been having chronic stomach issues for years-saw multiple doctors, tried altering our diets, etc. After we treated our well to get rid of the coliform, all three of us got way better within days! It’s made a big difference to us.”
Well water testing participant