4-H Demographics

A dashboard for comparing 4-H youth demographics with CT youth demographics from the U.S. census, for each county in CT.

Note: change browser and dashboard zoom settings if objects overlap or appear out of place. Best zoom settings may depend on the size of your monitor.

4-H Demographics Dashboard

A dashboard for comparing 4-H youth demographics with CT youth demographics from the U.S. census, for each county in CT.

  • Note: change browser and dashboard zoom settings if objects overlap or appear out of place. Best zoom settings may depend on the size of your monitor.

Needs Assessment Dashboard

A survey assessment was carried out in summer 2023 in which CT community members provided ratings on effort needed for SVIC-related areas and reported on their awareness of Extension-related orgs and services. This online interactive dashboard was created to summarize and display the survey data for use by Extension professionals.

  • Note: assessment survey
  • Note: change browser and dashboard zoom settings if objects overlap or appear out of place. Best zoom settings may depend on the size of your monitor.

Click image to see dashboard

4-H visual

Click image to see dashboard