UConn Extension "By the Numbers"


Educational contacts in 427
Extension programs and services

UConn Extension programs provide life transformative experiences to diverse groups of individuals, families, communities, and businesses in each of the 169 municipalities across the state. We are part of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System that connects the public with the research and resources of land-grant universities. At UConn, our Extension network is comprised of faculty and staff in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.

$5.4 M

Value of 172,374 volunteer hours


services to agencies & institutions


online courses/certificates


total hours of training and outreach


4-H and Master Gardener volunteers

Connecticut map visual showing towns with Extension programs

Extension in Connecticut

Multiple Extension programs were active in all 169 Connecticut towns in 2023. This map shows how many programs were represented within each town. In 2023 no town had fewer than 6 programs and some towns had as many as 22!

Extension Funding

UConn Extension leverages federal and state funding to serve our statewide communities.

Bar graph showing Extension funding

Extension Videos Viewed Online

2023 videos viewed online graph

"I really enjoyed the hands-on diagnosis session. Seeing the same disease on different species is so helpful.”

Participant in a Greenhouse Integrated Pest Management Workshop

people touring an orchid greenhouse

Extension Professionals

Our award-winning professionals have years of experience working to solve problems and enhance the wellbeing of our state residents (and beyond). We engage directly with communities, families, and businesses on food and nutrition, agriculture, business development, recreation and climate change initiatives as we co-create solutions which meet their needs.


awards & honors received (state, national & international)


publications (journal articles, bulletins, fact sheets)


Volunteers share their knowledge and experience through Extension and expand our capacity to deliver programs in every city and town in Connecticut. While some of our volunteers have worked with our programs for years or decades, we also offer short-term volunteer opportunities that augment the work Extension does.


Total number in volunteer Hours


volunteers across all programs

“UConn 4-H is for the community - they are truly there to serve students. The most rewarding thing is the ‘wow’ moments when students learn.”

UConn 4-H Youth Development - Fairfield County partner

“I went in wary, but really enjoyed the session - very informative and found there are some areas in which I’m not the ‘expert’ I thought I was. Thanks!

Land Use Academy municipal official participant